Customer reviews

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They trust PayTrip

Review posted on Google Play
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After a small mistake, I ended up being banned from banking. Well, it was because of my ex. A friend recommended PayTrip, especially for how quickly I could open an account to receive my salary! The account was opened the same day, and I've been using it without any issues ever since.
Review posted on Google Play
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I'm a fan of neobanks, and PayTrip's business model is unique! Four cards linked to a single account, MADE IN FRANCE, with a european IBAN! The app works flawlessly, and I fully support it.
Review posted on Google Play
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Very good app. Transfers are instant, and customer service is very fast, efficient, and above all, professional. I highly recommend it!
M. Rid
Review posted on App Store
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Very practical. I've been using PayTrip for 2 months, I highly recommend it for families, children, and parents abroad 😊👍 Professional and super responsive customer service...
Review posted on Google Play
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Thank you for this solution; it perfectly meets my expectations. I received my two cards within a week, which made our travels and money transfers much easier. Keep up the great work!
A Google user
Review posted on Google Play
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I discovered PayTrip while searching for a solution to open an account without a traditional bank and for money transfers. I quickly opened my account and ordered 3 cards for my beneficiaries in Tunisia. The top-up is instant! I’ve been using this solution for 9 months, and I’m very satisfied. I would like to sincerely thank the entire PayTrip team for their responsiveness to my requests. I highly recommend them!


We met with our users, and they reveal why they chose PayTrip!

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Sylvain, globetrotting photographer: mastering his finances to explore the world.
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Omar’s fight to support his family: a big-hearted nurse, balancing life between France and Morocco.
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Camille says "yes" to PayTrip! No more headaches over couples' finances...

We are committed to fully meeting the needs of our users

The PayTrip teams are working to provide you with an integrated and secure technology platform, simplifying your payments and money transfers.

We are proud to count you among our users, and we will continue to innovate to offer you more services and new features.

Any question? Want to suggest an improvement or a new feature?  We’d be happy to hear from you. Write to us at

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Support your loved ones in your own way, anytime and anywhere in the world.